1) You have immediate access to our staff of attorneys and will never experience a “voicemail maze”. Our attorneys work directly for All New York Title and are always available to answer your questions with knowledgeable answers. You always get fast, friendly and courteous service.
2) You benefit from our experienced title staff. Every member of the All New York Title Agency team is trained and experienced to handle all aspects of your needs. We are not departmentalized. Instead, we are cross-trained and our staff members can help complete your job.
3) You need a detail-oriented title agency. Every little thing must be correct. That is why we pay scrupulous attention to all the details, over and over again. You want everything done right the first time, and so do we. Our staff operates with impeccable accuracy.
4) You can delegate to us and relax. Imagine, no more duplicate requests for surveys, survey inspections, departmental searches, UCC financing statement searches, franchise tax reports, or anything else. Just order the title report. Leave the rest to us.
5) You need a title company that listens. We listen to you so we know what you want, when and how you want it! We welcome your suggestions and act upon them so we can do a better job the next time.
6) You receive title reports in 10 business days or sooner! Standard time for a title report is only 10 business days. Rush service is even faster.
7) You receive your final policy faster. We promise to issue your title policy at closing. It is more than a promise, it is a guarantee.
8) You expect hand delivery, and you get it. We will take time to personally deliver your title reports, policies, and important documents so you have them when you need them.
9) You benefit from our computer system. All New York Title Agency uses state-of-the-art custom computer software designed specifically for processing your title work. Our staff has instant access to information pertaining to the status of your files. It prints your reports and policies faster. It even prompts us when action is due, so everything is always on time.
10) The quality of our staff, our service and our office is unsurpassed.
We are ready to help you and would appreciate an opportunity to learn more about your requirements, to earn your confidence, and to establish an enduring business relationship.
Client Benefits
Knowledge and Experience – All New York Title has several attorneys leading the company with over 80 years of combined title industry and real estate experience with emphasis on commercial real estate. The company has assembled a strong support team with the knowledge and desire to develop innovative solutions to solve all client business challenges.
Solid Management Strategies – As an entrepreneurially-driven company, All New York Title has become one of the most respected title agencies in New York State. The firm's outstanding performance results from effective management strategies – controlled and deliberate strategies that enable the agency to meet its goals for client satisfaction and financial success.
Commitment to Excellence – The company is dedicated to providing the highest quality experience to each and every client. With experience gained from several major title underwriters, this high standard of excellence has been the foundation from which the agency has grown and prospered.
Continual Learning – All employees are knowledgeable workers and make time to become actively involved in educational training about industry issues, trends and other important aspects of real estate law.
Strong Work Ethic – The real difference in our business is the people that work for All New York Title. They know what it is like to be responsible for running a business. They work hard and they are committed to providing the very best title services to clients.
In summary, ANYT clients receive:
Immediate access to several experienced attorneys
Highly skilled and fully cross-trained staff
A timely product which is extremely accurate
Hand delivery of important documents
Owners and loan policies at closing
Professional handling of all title matters
A commitment to excellence
Find Out More
The team at All New York Title Agency, Inc is committed to offering clients the highest levels of service. We have the necessary staff, knowledge, tools, and experience to cover all your insurance needs.
Title Report Services
What you receive from working with the best.
Like-Kind Exchanges
Make your money work for YOU
Real Estate Services
Additional resources and services to make your team better.
Current Charges
Know exactly what fees we charge.